Attendees at the Atlanta show were thrilled to see familiar faces such as lead singer and eldest Blind Boys member Jimmy Carter, Atlanta's own Ricky McKinnie, Joey Williams, the Reverend Julius Love and Sterling Glass, as well as popular band members Steve Ray Ladson (keyboards), Austin Moore (drums) and Trae Pierce (bassist). Pierce, who fuses rock, country and hip hop in his own formidable group, Trae Pierce & the T-Stones, is no stranger to the Blind Boys, or southern gospel music, for that matter, as he has long maintained affiliation with the group and previously played for the late Charles Johnson & The Revivers. The sounds coming from this particular configuration of the group and band are most reminiscent of those moving soulful, gospel sounds heard on the group's popular and critically acclaimed Grammy-winning Spirit of the Century, Higher Ground and Atom Bomb albums. If its response was any indication, the crowd concurred!